How to Prepare Quick Tomato salad Italian style ( Mozzarella)

Hi everyone, I’m John, welcome to my recipe page. Today we are going to cook a single dish: an easy way to cook a salad of tomatoes (mozzarella) in Italian. This is one of my favorite gastronomic recipes. I will make it special for myself. It will smell nice and taste good.

When cooking, keep in mind that everything starts in one place. I don’t know anyone who would like to walk with a wooden spoon. To be an effective chef, you need to train a lot, and then there is definitely room for improvement. You should not only start with the basics of cooking, but also almost certainly understand how to cook a new cuisine, for example: B. Chinese, Thai or Indian dishes.

Healthy eating can be difficult because many of us don’t want to spend time preparing and planning meals that our families don’t want to eat. At the same time, we want our families to be healthier so that we can put pressure on them so that they understand (rarely, in some cases, unfortunately) new and improved methods of cooking balanced meals that our families enjoy. ям.

To begin with, not all wonderful dinners require real preparation. Some will need to use this microwave, while others will want to pre-cook or reheat. If you understand the creative concept that really needs to be there, your possibilities are virtually limitless. You should also realize that many of these concepts are so simple that you will wonder why you have never considered them on Earth. Hopefully some of these ideas will become the main features of your home.

Italian tomato salad (mozzarella) affects the taste of many things, from the types of ingredients to the choice of fresh ingredients, from the ability to cut dishes to the ability to prepare and serve them. If you want to cook a delicious tomato salad (mozzarella) in Italian, do not worry, because if you already know this trick, you can use this dish as an unusual specialty.

As for the number of servings that can be given to prepare an Italian tomato salad (mozzarella), then 3 servings. So make sure this section is enough for your beloved family.

In addition, the cooking time of Italian tomato salad (mozzarella) is about 5 minutes.

To proceed with this recipe, we need to prepare a few ingredients. You can eat an Italian tomato salad (mozzarella) with 7 ingredients - 10 steps. as you prepare it

Ingredients և Spices for Italian tomato salad (mozzarella).

  1. 6 large tomatoes (I prefer such as dates)
  2. 4 g / k olive oil
  3. 7 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  4. 1 salt
  5. 1 pepper
  6. 1 fresh basil
  7. 1 buffalo mozzarella (if you don't use it or can't get it, use regular)

Instructions for Italian tomato salad (mozzarella).

  1. Chop the tomatoes
  2. Place a layer of tomatoes on a plate
  3. Sprinkle tomato slices with salt and pepper.
  4. Pour tomato oil with vinegar (do not mix)
  5. Cut mozzarella and spread on tomatoes
  6. Fill the mozzarella with creamy vinegar
  7. Repeat the previous steps until there are no tomatoes or mozzarella left.
  8. Garnish with fresh basil.
  9. Serve with ciabatta.
  10. Bon appetit

As you develop your experience and confidence you will find that your personality improvises more and more as you move; They will customize the dish to suit your personal preferences. If you prefer more or less ingredients or want the recipe to be a little more or less spicy, there are a few simple modifications you can make to achieve this. In time you will just start creating your own recipes. And you won’t know exactly when it comes to basic cooking skills for beginners, but you’ll never know if you possess those basic culinary skills.

This is the end of a unique recipe for a quick tomato salad (mozzarella) in Italian. Thank you for your time. I’m sure you can do it at home. More interesting recipes are prepared at home. Don't forget to bookmark it in your browser և Share it with your relatives, partners և friends. Thanks again for reading. Keep cooking.

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